Elden Ring Eternal Blades Mod

New Elden Ring Mod adds new weapons with special movesets

Modder ‘Hotbite’ has released a new weapons mod pack for Elden Ring. According to the modder, the Eternal Blades Mod adds new weapons with special movesets, as well as new custom sheaths and visual effects.

Going into more details, this pack adds the Sword saint Style, the Divine Blade and the Ashina Style. The modder also plans to add Isshin the sword sain and Demon Wolf in future versions.

You can download the mod from here. Below you can also find a video that showcases it in action. Thus, we suggest watching the video before downloading and installing it.

Speaking of Elden Ring, here are some other cool free mods that you can download for it. This mod adds seamless co-op functionalities to the game. There is also this mod that introduces an unofficial Survival Mode. Then we have this mod that aims to improve the game’s combat, exploration and character building. Flawless Ultrawide is another must-have mod as it enables support for ultra-wide resolutions/monitors. There is also a mod that adds elements from MMOs & traditional RPGs. Let’s also not forget the amazing first-person mod. Furthermore, you can download a 25GB HD Texture Pack that upscales over 4500 environmental textures. And lastly, we have the Convergence Mod and the DLSS 3 Mod.

Have fun!

Eternal blades Demo - Elden ring