Cyberpunk 2077 PC Modded

Here’s why Cyberpunk 2077 remains the best PC graphics showcase in 2024

YouTube’s ‘NextGen Dreams’ has shared a video, proving why Cyberpunk 2077 remains the best PC graphics showcase in 2024. With its Path Tracing effects and some mods, CP2077 looks way better than anything you’ve seen. Don’t believe me? Well, go ahead and watch the video.

In order to capture this gameplay footage, the YouTuber used an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, and ran the game at 8K. Naturally, he used DLSS 3.5 Frame Generation in order to get the game up to 8K. And yes, ReSTIR GI Path Tracing was also enabled.

Now I’m almost certain that this video has been doctored (at least regarding its framerate). The movement, especially during driving, gives me the vibes of an interpolated video. So, I don’t believe in any way that an NVIDIA RTX 4090 can run the game, even with DLSS 3.5 FG, at 8K with smooth framerates.

As I’ve reported, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 can run CP2077’s RT Overdrive with 60fps when using DLSS 3.5 Quality with Frame Generation. Regarding 8K, the RTX4090 can’t even come close to 60fps, even with DLSS 3.5 Ultra Performance. So yeah, don’t expect to get the performance you’ll see in the video on an RTX4090. Realistically, I don’t even expect the RTX5090 to keep framerates higher than 60fps at all times at 8K with DLSS 3.5 Ultra Performance.

Apart from the bogus performance, the game’s visuals do look incredible. The YouTuber has also used one mod to further improve the game’s visuals, called DreamPunk 1.0. This mod packs a complete rework of all weathers & lighting, designed for realism. It also comes with a custom LUT for SDR and HDR based on DaVinci tone mapping. Sadly, though, this is a paid mod.

Anyway, this video looks stunning, so make sure to at least watch it. This is what peak PC graphics can look like.

Speaking of Cyberpunk 2077, I also suggest trying some other mods for it. For instance, you can download the Enhanced Photo Mode Unlocker. Then we have the Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project. Another must-have mod for high-end PC gamers is the Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod. There’s also a mod that allows cars to fly, a mod that can significantly improve the game’s draw distance, and other mods that can open up new areas to explore. Oh, and don’t forget these mods that allow you to play as Ciri from The Witcher 3.

Additionally, there’s a mod that adds realistic ragdoll physics to finishing moves. Plus, Law Enforcement Overhaul is a mod that enhances the game’s Police System. And there’s even a mod that integrates the OpenAI API which enables ChatGPT support. There is also this mod that fixes the game’s broken Ray Tracing Reflections. And finally, this mod restores 100 NPCs that were cut from the game.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Cyberpunk 2077: Real Life 8K Graphics with DreamPunk 1.0 | Path Tracing Mod Gameplay & Showcase