Tag Archives: Elden Ring

Elden Ring gets an unofficial Photo Mode that also removes Chromatic Aberration

Modder Otis_Inf has just released an unofficial Photo Mode for FromSoftware’s latest action RPG, Elden Ring. As its title implies, this mod will add a Photomode to Elden Ring, allowing you to capture some truly amazing screenshots. Continue reading Elden Ring gets an unofficial Photo Mode that also removes Chromatic Aberration

Elden Ring now supports ultra-wide resolutions/monitors via Flawless Ultrawide

A lot of ultra-wide PC gamers were disappointed when FromSoftware revealed that Elden Ring would not natively support it. Thankfully, and in just a matter of hours, PC gamers have figured out a way to enable ultra-wide support to this latest action RPG. Continue reading Elden Ring now supports ultra-wide resolutions/monitors via Flawless Ultrawide