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Sekiro gets a 6GB Mod, adding more world decoration and NPC wars

Modder ‘Nick’ has released a pretty cool mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This mod is 6GB in size, aiming to decorate the world and add NPC wars that begin to take place all over Ashina when the first invasions begin.

According to the modder, locations leading to Ashina castle will be more heavily guarded. Small to large scale NPC battles begin showing up in the Outskirts, at the castle, and castle gate fortress once the first invasion begins.

Additionally, this mod shakes up enemy placements from vanilla. It also makes Senpou Temple’s distant model 100% spatially accurate and viewable from more places.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that the mod adds secret grapple points for traversal.

You can download the mod from here.

Speaking of Sekiro, we also suggest taking a look at these other mods. Sekiro: Dream of the Damned is an overhaul mod that adds new content to the final invasion state of the game. Sekiro Online allows you to play the game online, and there is a cool Enemy and Item Randomizer Mod. Let’s also not forget this amazing first-person mod.

Have fun!