Tag Archives: DSOGaming

DSOGaming Editorial May 2024 – PC Games Coverage & Patreon Shoutout

You know what? I suck at writing Editorials. Our last Editorial was in November 2023. Since then, though, nothing really major has happened (internally). So, I never felt the need to write a new one. But, you know what? Perhaps we should have a monthly Editorial column. Continue reading DSOGaming Editorial May 2024 – PC Games Coverage & Patreon Shoutout

Here are DSOGaming’s Games of the Year 2023

2023 is almost behind us. With four days left to it, we’ve decided to share our GOTY 2023 list. And we know, a lot of you are waiting for our Top 10 Optimized PC Games list. This will come out, most likely, on December 30th or December 31st. Until then, you can find below the games that pirovashMX, Spencer and John enjoyed the most. Continue reading Here are DSOGaming’s Games of the Year 2023

Editorial: The future of DSOGaming, Gaming Coverage, Patreon & More

Hello there, everyone. It’s been a while since our last Editorial so I thought I should write one today to give you an update of what’s been happening. Now before continuing, DSOGaming is not closing or going anywhere. I’m throwing this right away so that I can save you the trouble of reading it. So, with this out of the way, let’s talk. Continue reading Editorial: The future of DSOGaming, Gaming Coverage, Patreon & More

Here are DSOGaming’s Games of the Year 2022

2022 has been a busy year. With three days left to it, we’ve decided to share our GOTY 2022 list. And we know, a lot of you are waiting for our Top 10 Optimized PC Games list. This will come out, most likely, on December 31st. Until then, you can find below the games that Nick, Spencer and John enjoyed the most. Continue reading Here are DSOGaming’s Games of the Year 2022