Tag Archives: DSOGaming

Small success: SOPA hearings have been postponed


Good news everyone as the SOPA hearings that were about to take place on January 18th have been postponed. As we’ve stated and before, the bill needs to be re-worked because at its current form, it’s simply not acceptable. This has nothing to do with piracy, as we – and pretty much every other gaming website – are against it. So, this is a small success indeed, but the fight is not over yet. Although SOPA is temporarily on ice, it’s not dead and PIPA is still alive and well kicking. Continue reading Small success: SOPA hearings have been postponed

DSOGaming will join the fight against SOPA and will black-out on January 18th


I really wanted my first editorial article – for 2012 – to be about the things that have happened these past months in DSOGaming and its overall progress, but that will have to wait. As you may have heard, members of the House Committee will be discussing PIPA/SOPA in Washington, D.C. Although DSOGaming is not based in USA, we will join the fight against SOPA and will black-out in protest of legislation that would allow DNS and Search Engine Blocking. Hey, we know that we are a relatively small website, but when you do support something, you simply have to show it, right? We strongly suggest every major gaming site to join the fight. This is something that will affect all of us. Why you ask? Wait until you can’t reach our site at all because you won’t have the power to decide what websites you can and cannot reach. Yeah, SOPA is THAT bad. Continue reading DSOGaming will join the fight against SOPA and will black-out on January 18th

Editorial: Two Months Live; What happened and what’s about to come

Wow, it’s already been two months since DSOGaming opened its doors and since we hit the 100K uniques monthly mark, it was about time to write a proper editorial to let you know more about us and about our site. But first of all, huge thanks to everyone that visited DSOGaming and hope you’ve enjoyed it thus far. Continue reading Editorial: Two Months Live; What happened and what’s about to come

Welcome and Enjoy your stay – DSOGaming is opening its doors

Hello everyone and welcome to DSOGaming. As the title suggests, this is the Dark Side Of Gaming. This gaming site focuses on both consoles and PCs. What can our viewers expect from us? Daily news for both triple-A titles and those that are not as well-known to the masses. Moreover, you can expect some PC performance analyses for most, if not all, PC games. Continue reading Welcome and Enjoy your stay – DSOGaming is opening its doors