Call of Duty Doom 4

The next Doom may be revealed next month, new assets leaked from the canceled “Call of Duty Doom”

Doom fans, get ready for some exciting rumors. According to Tom Henderson, the next Doom game will be revealed next month. This will most likely happen during the Xbox June Showcase Event.

Sadly, we don’t know much about this new Doom game. In theory, it will be using the next iteration of the id Tech Engine, and it will only target current-gen platforms. So, I’m curious to see what id Software has in store for us. Will the new id Tech Engine be able to compete with Unreal Engine 5? And, will we get more Ray Tracing effects this time around?

Speaking of Doom, some assets from the canceled version of Doom 4, often called “Call of Duty Doom”, surfaced online.

In this GIF, we get to see animations of non-playable characters for the AI NPC state transitions system that were implemented for the game. Then, in the next tweet, we get to see some high-polygon count models. And, since some of you don’t use Twitter/X, I’ve included these screenshots in the article.

The first leak for this canceled Doom 4 game happened back in 2015. Back then, numerous screenshots surfaced from a behind-the-scenes trailer. Then, in 2020, new footage surfaced from that old version of Doom 4 (that video is no longer available). And then, in 2022, we got three new screenshots from it.

Doom 4 would originally take place on Earth, and featured gameplay mechanics similar to those of the Call of Duty games. However, during development, id Software felt that this was the wrong direction, and decided to cancel it.

Ironically, now that we have Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, there are players interested in this canceled version of Doom 4. Personally, I’d like to play this Call of Duty Doom game. However, I wouldn’t prefer it over the reboot we got in 2016. Doom 2016 is amazing, feels like a Doom game, and it’s the game all of us Doom fans wanted. Out of curiosity, though, I’d like to try that canceled Doom 4.

Stay tuned for more!

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