Elden Ring brand new screenshots-1

This Elden Ring Mod adds new classes with their own custom moves, including vampires & summoners

LilwolfXL has released an amazing new mod for Elden Ring that adds new custom classes to it, each with its own custom move sets and AOW. Among these new classes are vampires and summoners, two classes that a lot of Elden Ring fans were looking forward to.

Going into more details, the new classes that PC gamers can use are Primeval Swordsman, Vampire, Uchiha, Demigod Runt, Nightmare and Summoner.

As LilwolfXL noted,  the mod also increases the game’s difficulty to give a better sense of balance. We should also note that some NPCs will give items in a different order. So yeah, make sure to also keep that in mind. Regardless of that, players will still have everything they need to progress through the game.

You can download the Primeval Balance V3 Mod from here. Below you can also find two videos that showcase it in action.

Since this mod adds new classes and increases the game’s difficulty, we suggest using it in your second/third playthrough. Realistically, though, most of you have already played the game. After all, it’s been over a year since Elden Ring came out.

Speaking of Elden Ring, here are other cool mods that you can download for it. This mod adds seamless co-op functionalities to the game, whereas this mod introduces a parry system similar to that of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. There is also this mod that introduces an unofficial Survival ModeFlawless Ultrawide is another must-have mod as it enables support for ultra-wide resolutions/monitors. Let’s also not forget the amazing first-person mod. Furthermore, you can download a 25GB HD Texture Pack that upscales over 4500 environmental textures. We should also mention this mod that allows all light sources to cast dynamic shadows. And lastly, we have the amazing DLSS 3 Mod.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Primeval Balance v3

SUMMONER gameplay-Stars and The Void