Tag Archives: Nvidia

GeForce ForceWare 285.27 BETA Drivers Released; Add support for OpenGL 4.2

Nvidia has released a new beta version of their universal graphics card drivers, ForceWare 285.27. This driver package installs NVIDIA PhysX System Software v9.11.06.21, as well as the HD audio driver, version, and features some new 3D profiles and SLI optimizations. Additionally, these drivers increase performance for GeForce 400 and 500-series GPUs in several PC games vs. v280.26 WHQL drivers and add support for OpenGL 4.2. Continue reading GeForce ForceWare 285.27 BETA Drivers Released; Add support for OpenGL 4.2

Nvidia ForceWare 280.19 Beta Released

Nvidia has just released the first 28x.xx ForceWare driver for their graphics cards and we highly recommend them as they fix a lot of bugs. As we’ve reported in our performance analysis, FEAR 3’s SLI was bugged and didn’t scale well with our GTX295. Today, we are happy to inform you that Nvidia has finally fixed it. Yeap, SLI is working great now with these latest 280.19 Beta drivers. Continue reading Nvidia ForceWare 280.19 Beta Released

Nvidia Quadro 275.65 Drivers Released

Nvidia released today the latest Quadro and Tesla drivers for their graphics cards. In case you don’t own such a card and want to test them, all you’ll have to do is to download a modified .INF file and install them. Among other things, these new drivers include the NVIDIA WMI, a Windows service as well as decouple WMI provider that allows WMI clients to query and monitor such GPU parameters as GPU fan speed and GPU temperature. You can view the download links after the jump. Continue reading Nvidia Quadro 275.65 Drivers Released

Duke Nukem Forever PC Performance Analysis

Most of you pretty much know what happened with Duke Nukem Forever so we won’t discuss extensively its development cycle. For those that don’t, here is how the story goes more or less. 3D Realms developed the PC version with an enhanced Unreal engine and was shut down, about two years ago. After its closure, Triptych Games decided to continue the game’s development and due to their hard work, the PC version of DNF was almost finished. Gearbox Software then stepped in and acquired the game’s rights. With Piranha Games’ help, the company polished, ported the PC version to consoles and added the multiplayer mode. And voila, Duke Nukem is back with us. Continue reading Duke Nukem Forever PC Performance Analysis