Tag Archives: Fallout

Someone has created a Fallout prototype in Unreal Engine 5, and it looks pretty cool

Now here is something that passed under my radar. A couple of months ago, YouTube’s ‘Milwaukee Games’ created a Fallout prototype in Unreal Engine 5 that looks cool. This prototype can give you an idea of what Fallout can look like on a modern-day engine. So, if you are a fan of the series, I suggest taking a look at it. Continue reading Someone has created a Fallout prototype in Unreal Engine 5, and it looks pretty cool

Bethesda will offer for free Fallout Classic Collection to Fallout 76 owners

Bethesda has announced that it will be giving away Fallout Classic Collection to all Fallout 76 owners that have logged into the game in 2018. As such, those that buy the game in 2019 will not be able to acquire this collection for free. Continue reading Bethesda will offer for free Fallout Classic Collection to Fallout 76 owners

Fallout 76 Review: Semi-Wasted, Semi-Wonderful

By now you’ve likely seen Fallout 76’s overwhelmingly bad reception. Mainstream sites have roasted it, the internet has mocked it, and retailers have slashed the price of it. The oft-heard critical terms are glitchy, soulless, broken, cash-grab, early-access, and junk. All these and more hang over Fallout 76 like a condemning toxic cloud. Continue reading Fallout 76 Review: Semi-Wasted, Semi-Wonderful

DOOM features easter eggs for Skyrim, Fallout, Commander Keen, Terminator 2 & Classic Doom

DOOM has just been released and it appears to feature a lot of easter eggs. So far, gamers have been able to discover easter eggs for Skyrim, Fallout, Commander Keen, the classic Doom and the Terminator 2 movie. Continue reading DOOM features easter eggs for Skyrim, Fallout, Commander Keen, Terminator 2 & Classic Doom