Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver feature

Fans are working on remakes of Tomb Raider Legend & Soul Reaver in Unreal Engine 5

It appears that fans are working on remakes of Tomb Raider: Legend and Soul Reaver in Unreal Engine 5. Now before getting excited, know that these two projects are in a very early development phase. So no, don’t expect to be playing them anytime soon.

The Soul Reaver Remake is a cool project by Ali Aljaber. Ali has shared a video showing off a new locomotion system. With this, you can fly, fight, climb, and interact with switches and boxes. The next update will focus on magic powers and some wandering enemies. Again, this is a WIP project. Thus, you should temper your expectations.

Soul Reaver Fanmade Remake Progress - Unreal engine

The Tomb Raider: Legend Remake in UE5 is in an even earlier dev state. Monkey Riot, the developer, is figuring out how to make the controls just right before working on the game’s environments. And even though it’s early, Lara moves really well in this prototype, which is pretty cool.

Tomb Raider Legend Reimagined in Unreal Engine 5 - Devlog 3 - Jumping

Now I’m certain that some of you won’t like these projects. I get it. Personally, though, I kind of enjoy these prototype demos. And, since we’ll never get an official remake of Soul Reaver, I kind of hope that Ali Aljaber will keep working on it.

If you’re into Unreal Engine 5, you’ve got to check out these other awesome fan video remakes. There are faithful remasters of Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3, which are super cool. Then there’s this fantastic fan remake of STALKER that’s worth a look. Don’t miss the Grand Theft Auto 6 fan concept in UE5; it’s pretty impressive. You should also watch the full-on remake video for Final Fantasy 9.

Need for Speed Most Wanted, Need for Speed Carbon and Tony Hawk’s Underground have also received some cool remakes. And if that’s not enough, there are fan remakes for Death Stranding, Fallout 4, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s Solitude, Grand Theft Auto 4, Fallout 4, Resident Evil 1, Skyrim’s Winterhold and Skyrim’s Whiterun. There is also this Studio Ghibli stylized teaser for Zelda: Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 5. So, lots of UE5 fan remakes, right? Well, since they’re all really cool, we suggest giving them a watch.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!