Battlefield 4 feature

The next Battlefield is described as a “tremendous live service” game

Electronic Arts held today its Q4 2024 Earnings Call. In that call, its CEO, Andrew Wilson, said that the next Battlefield game will be a “tremendous live service” title.

This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Still, this is something that may disappoint a lot of BF fans. But hey, both COD and BF will do their best to offer a GaaS model so that they can keep pushing multiple Seasons.

Battlefield 2042 was released in 2021 without a single-player campaign. A lot of die-hard fans criticized that move, especially since its multiplayer was in an awful state. Right now, we don’t know whether this new BF game will have a single-player campaign. From the looks of it, though, EA and DICE will double down on their “live as a service” model.

BF2042 is currently in a better state than it was at launch. So, it will be interesting to see whether the next Battlefield game will also be broken at launch. It wouldn’t surprise me given DICE’s history. Still, and contrary to other studios, DICE has always been able to right the ship and turn the tides in its favor.

It will also be interesting to see what will happen with the next Call of Duty game. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 came out with a half-assed single-player campaign that was criticized by a lot. Rumor has it that the next COD game will have an open-world single-player mode. And, if that’s indeed the case, I’m a bit worried about its quality, especially after the boring missions we got in Modern Warfare 2.

Stay tuned for more!