GRIS is already profitable, seven days after release

GRIS is one of the most beautiful – artistically speaking – games I’ve seen lately. And I’m happy to report that Nomada’s title is already profitable, just seven days after its release.

GRIS is described as a serene and evocative experience, free of danger, frustration or death. Players will explore a meticulously designed world brought to life with delicate art, detailed animation, and an elegant original score. Through the game light puzzles, platforming sequences, and optional skill-based challenges will reveal themselves as more of Gris’s world becomes accessible.

While the game is a bit short, it currently has Overwhelmingly Positive reviews on Steam and is priced at a somehow low price (16,99€).

It’s also worth noting that GRIS is an experience with almost no text, only simple control reminders illustrated through universal icons. As such, the game can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their spoken language.