Sci-Fi Horror ‘Caffeine’ Will Support 4K Textures, Skydome Texture Was 8K

This weekend we had the pleasure of speaking of Incandescent Imaging’s Dylan Browne about his upcoming sci-fi horror title that will be powered by Epic’s Unreal Engine 4, Caffeine. Dylan shared with us some interesting new tech details about Caffeine, and explained why the Unreal Engine 3 version of his title was under-performing.

Prior to the game’s IndieGoGo campaign, Incandescent Imaging released a pre-alpha demo of Caffeine, based on its Unreal Engine 3 version. A lot of people noticed that the game was not running well on their systems. So, what was the root of its performance issues?

According to Dylan, Caffeine will sport really high-resolution textures, something that Unreal Engine 3 could not cope well with.

“Caffeine has quite substantial performance issues while in UE3 mainly due to texture resolution, I really wanted to push the quality of my textures right up with a lot of 4K textures (The skydome was 8K) which UE3 did not cope well with, however with Unreal 4 performance is fantastic and feels very fluid.”

Our full interview will go live tomorrow, so make sure to keep an eye on it.
