Death Stranding new PC screenshot

Brand new PC screenshots released for Death Stranding

505 Games and Kojima Productions have released a new set of screenshots from the PC version of Death Stranding. These screenshots will give you a glimpse at the graphics of Death Stranding on the PC.

In Death Stranding, players assume the role of Sam Bridges. Sam must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the disconnected remnants of the future in his hands, he embarks on a journey to reconnect the shattered world one step at a time.

The PC version of Death Stranding will support high frame rates and ultra-wide monitors. Moreover, it will come with a photomode and content from Valve’s iconic franchise, Half-Life.

Yesterday, Kojima Productions revealed the game’s official PC system requirements.

Death Stranding is using the Decima Engine, and is coming to the PC on July 14th. The game will be also using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech.


Death Stranding new PC screenshot