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Far Cry: Rework is another cool mod for Crytek’s classic shooter

Modder ‘-SX-‘ is currently working on a brand new mod for Crytek’s classic shooter, Far Cry. This is the third major mod that is in development for the first Far Cry game, and below you can find its full details (as well as a gameplay video).

Far Cry: Rework will have the same visual environmental style as the game’s beta version. It will also have increased draw distance, some new vegetation from Far Cry 2010, a new fog effect for the jungle, and new terrain textures with better bump, displacement and specular maps. Players can also expect some new objects, better water shaders, some upscaled textures, new rocks, and CookiePLMonster’s Silent Patch.

As the modder noted, this won’t be a remake or remaster mod. Instead, think of it as an Enhanced Edition of the Steam version. Therefore, don’t expect any MAJOR graphical improvements. While the Far Cry: Rework will look better than the vanilla version, it won’t implement any modern-day features.

There is currently no ETA on when Far Cry: Rework will come out. As always, though, we’ll be sure to keep you posted on its progress.

Lastly, and since I said that this is the third major mod for Far Cry, I should at least mention the other three. Far Cry Beta Restoration is a mod that attempts to restore content that was cut from the game. And on the other hand, FarCry Returns is an upcoming unofficial sequel to the game.

