Dark Souls Remastered InfiniDetail Mod

Dark Souls Remastered gets a mod that eliminates texture LOD pop-in

Yesterday, we informed you about a mod for Dark Souls 2 that enhanced its view distance and got rid of its texture LOD pop-ins. Well, today we’ve got good news: there’s a similar mod now available for Dark Souls Remastered.

Created by modder ‘libretro’, this mod eliminates texture LOD pop-in and renders everything. Or at least that’s what the modder claims. The mod also vastly increases draw distance, something that a lot of Dark Souls fans will appreciate.

Since this mod increases the view distance, it can change how you deal with enemies. With better sight of enemies in the distance, you have now even more options. For example, you can use ranged weapons to attack them. Not only that but it will be easier to dodge their attacks.

If you want to give it a try, you can get it by following this link. Sadly, the modder didn’t provide a video comparing how the game looked before and after. But you can see several screenshots on the mod’s page that highlight the improvements.

In theory, this mod should be compatible with this massive overhaul mod we shared in May 2023. This gameplay mod tweaked weapons, enemy AI, movesets, maps, stats, quests, and pretty much every single other aspect of the game. It should also work with this 35GB AI-enhanced 4K Texture Pack. Oh, and you can also download a demo of Dark Souls: Nightfall.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!