Dark Souls 2 feature 2

New Dark Souls 2 Mod increases view distance and reduces/eliminates LOD texture pop-ins

Modder ‘libretro’ has released an amazing new graphics mod for the second part of the Dark Souls series, Dark Souls 2. The Scholar Of The First Sin InfiniDetail aims to eliminate texture LOD pop-in and greatly increase draw distance.

According to the modder, the mod takes a conservative and disciplined approach. It does not seek to alter
the game’s look, it does not add additional lighting, it does not remove spot lights or remove baked shadows. As such, it will be ideal for all Dark Souls 2 purists out there.

Right now, The First Sin InfiniDetail mod does two cool things. First, it gets rid of the distance texture changes, making everything look smooth. Second, it lets you see stuff from far away without it suddenly popping up. Plus, it shows some things you couldn’t see before in some of the game’s environments.

In future updates, the modder wants to make faraway enemies move at their normal speed. Right now, all distant enemies move at half rate. This is a feature I’m really looking forward to. Also, libretro is working on making light beams and shadows look even better from a distance.

The modder also plans to make similar mods for other games by FromSoftware. Right now, we can expect to see such mods for Sekiro and Dark Souls Remastered.

You can download this new graphics mod for Dark Souls 2 from this link.

Do note that The First Sin InfiniDetail does not work with the Dark Souls 2 Overhaul Mod. However, it is compatible with the DS2Lighting Engine Mod.

Have fun and stay tuned for more!