Saints Row IV Gets A Mod That Adds A First Person Perspective

Saints Row IV v2

Our reader ‘llllShaDowllll Killer’ has informed us about this interesting mod for Volition’s sandbox title that adds a first person perspective to it. Created by ImmortalSin (with the help of modders MrScratch and BadMadScientist), this mod aims to give players a new experience inside the world of Saints Row IV. And despite the fact that it is still in alpha stage, it looks f’ing awesome. There are some bugs here and there (that will be obviously fixed in a later version) but who cares – time to experience the world from the eyes of the boss.

Those interested can download the mod from here.

And here is a video, courtesy of YouTube’s member ‘Holy Cowlick’.

Have fun!

Saints Row 4 Mods: First Person View