Tag Archives: Playstation 4

PS4 emulator, shadPS4, can now launch inFAMOUS Second Son, Godzilla, KNACK & Killzone Shadow Fall

The PlayStation 4 emulator, shadPS4, keeps getting better and better. A couple of months ago, the emulator was unable to launch a lot of PS4-only games. But now, it appears that several of them can be successfully launched. Continue reading PS4 emulator, shadPS4, can now launch inFAMOUS Second Son, Godzilla, KNACK & Killzone Shadow Fall

Bloodborne looks unbelievable on PC in this latest comparison

Last month, we informed you about the release of shadPS4 Version 0.3.0. That version of the PS4 emulator packed all the visual improvements that its team has been making for Bloodborne. And, from the looks of it, a new version is already out. Not only that but Bloodborne now runs better than ever on shadPS4. In fact, it’s almost on par with the PS4 and PS5 versions. Continue reading Bloodborne looks unbelievable on PC in this latest comparison

First screenshots of Bloodborne on PC via the shadPS4 emulator

The shadPS4 team has shared on its Discord server the first screenshots of Bloodborne running on PC via its PlayStation 4 emulator. This is a huge milestone as, for the first time, Bloodborne can actually go in-game. Yep, you read that right. Bloodborne on PC may soon happen.
Continue reading First screenshots of Bloodborne on PC via the shadPS4 emulator