Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Trailer Breakdown – What was real and what was not

Since a lot of gamers are mentioning these past days the fantastic 2001 trailer of Duke Nukem Forever, we thought that we should let you know what was real and what was not in that particular trailer. According to Charlie Wiederhold who worked at 3D Realms that time, some of the scenes from the trailer were actual gameplay footage, some were scripted, some were simply polished and some were created just for the trailer. Continue reading Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Trailer Breakdown – What was real and what was not

TERA – Five New Screenshots + Post E3 Video

En Masse Entertainment released today five new screenshots and a new, post-E3 video for TERA. TERA racked up nearly a dozen awards and nominations from attending this year’s E3, including best MMO, best gameplay and best PC game. Politics in TERA run on a completely dynamic system and its action-oriented gameplay its among the best we’ve ever seen. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the following screenshots and trailer. TERA will be released this year on the PC. Continue reading TERA – Five New Screenshots + Post E3 Video

Call Of Duty: Black Ops – Annihilation Trailer

Activision released a new trailer for Call Of Duty: Black Ops. This trailer showcases the new Map Pack that is slated for release next week and will be called Annihilation. This third Map Pack will include four new ‘normal’ maps and one new zombie map. Annihilation is scheduled for release on X360 on Tuesday June 28th and will cost you 1200 Microsoft XBL points. PC and PS3 versions will be released at a later date. Continue reading Call Of Duty: Black Ops – Annihilation Trailer

ArmA: Cold War Assault Announced

Bohemia Interactive announced a new part for its ArmA series. ArmA: Cold War Assault is the original Operation Flashpoint, renamed and re-released together with the Resistance expansion. From now on, this legendary PC game will be available only under this new title and all existing users of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and the Game of the Year Edition are entitled to download and install Arma: Cold War Assault at no charge. Continue reading ArmA: Cold War Assault Announced

Skullgirls – “Peacock” trailer

Autumn Games released a new trailer for Skullgirls. Skullgirls is a new fast-paced 2D fighting game that puts players in control of fierce female warriors in an extraordinary Dark Deco world. The game is currently in development for a 2011 release on current generation consoles. This new trailer showcases a character from the game, Peacock. You can view its trailer after the jump. Continue reading Skullgirls – “Peacock” trailer