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The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in early development phase

Starfield releases in a couple of days and according to Bethesda’s Pete Hines, The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in an early development phase.

In an interview with the Spanish website Vandal, Pete Hines confirmed that The Elder Scrolls VI is no longer in pre-production. Instead, the game has entered its development phase.

Bethesda revealed The Elder Scrolls 6 in 2018. However, until 2021, the game was in a pre-production/design stage. And even though Microsoft expects TESVI to come out in 2026, we are certain that it will miss that targeted release year.

Unfortunately, there is nothing more to report. As Bethesda claimed, any news regarding this upcoming The Elder Scrolls game isĀ years away. Well okay, that comment was made in 2020. So I guess we might hear something about TES6 in 2024.

Microsoft and Bethesda are obviously focused right now on Starfield. Nevertheless, we do know that both of these games will be using the same engine, Creation Engine 2.0.

For those unaware, it appears that Starfield runs with 45-60fps at 1440p/High Settings with FSR 2.0 on an NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti. However, I wouldn’t read too much into this. For starters, we don’t know whether these drops are due to a CPU or GPU bottleneck. So yeah, you should at least wait for our initial PC performance impressions. Although we have not received a review code, we’ll be sharing our impressions this Friday, September 1st.

All in all, it’s good to know that The Elder Scrolls 6 has entered its development stage. And now that Starfield is complete, we expect its development to slowly ramp up.

Stay tuned for more!