Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Far Cry Map

Someone is remaking Grand Theft Auto San Andreas from scratch

Reddit’s member ‘MapEditorMaster’ is currently remaking Grand Theft Auto San Andreas from scratch in Far Cry 5’s Map Editor. According to the Redditor, this map will feature a portion of the GTA San Andreas map, and will have proper gameplay elements.

From the looks of it, MapEditorMaster has carefully avoided using any copyrighted material. As such, Rockstar and Take-Two won’t be able to shut this project down. And while this looks like GTA San Andreas, it does not feature any direct references to it. In short, Take-Two can’t really issue a C&D takedown.

However, you should not expect this fan remake to feature the entire map. And even though there will be some gameplay elements, this fan remake won’t have the original missions from GTA San Andreas. In other words, you should temper your expectations. Still, it’s really cool witnessing such a fan remake.

I’ve also included below an image from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas’ map. The project will recreate the red area at the bottom right.

GTA SA Fan Remake red area

Speaking of GTA San Andreas fan remakes, there was an Unreal Engine 4 concept video that Take-Two has already shut down. Take-Two has also shut down a remaster mod of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in GTA 5.

Enjoy the following video and stay tuned for more!