Fable Legends Will Be Free-To-Play

Back in January, Microsoft and Lionshead Studios revealed that Fable Legends will be coming to the PC, will be a DX12 only title, and will allow cross-play on PC with Xbox One. And today, Lionshead Studios announced that Fable Legends will actually be a Free-To-Play title.

Here are the key features of Fable Legends’ F2P model:

  • Open – Fable Legends will be completely open for all who play from beginning-to-end. You don’t have to spend any money to access anything in the game, ever.
  • Fair – Everything in the game is earned through playing the game, avoiding the pay-to-win controversy.
  • Generous – Our final goal is to be generous and accessible to the community. The game will be constantly updated to create a happy community.

In Fable Legends, players will earn Silver to spend in-game. As Lionshead noted:

“Everything that makes your Heroes or your creatures more powerful can be bought with the silver that you earn.”

Players will also be able to buy Gold with real-world money, which can then be used to purchase many of the items that are also available for Silver.

Fable Legends promises to feature a wide array of unique Heroes, however Lionshead will also offer – at any given time – four of these heroes for free (via a rotation system). Players will be able to test these characters and then use Silver or Gold to purchase them. In addition, players will be able to unlock more treasures with their Silver or Gold.

On the ‘Villains’ side, players will be able to gain the allegiance of various creatures and use them in any quest via their Silver or Gold. Furthermore, players will be able to unlock more traps with their Silver or Gold.

Lionshead has also released a new trailer for Fable Legends that can be viewed below.
