Batman Arkham Asylum feature

This Batman: Arkham Asylum remake in Unreal Engine 4 looks gorgeous [Fan Art]

Batman: Arkham Asylum was a game that impressed everyone back in 2009. The game was using Unreal Engine 3 and came out on last-gen platforms (obviously including the PC). And while there are no plans for an official remake, Zach Jaeger has gave us a glimpse at it via his latest recreation.

Jaeger has recreated the Arkham Asylum hallway in Unreal Engine 4. This scene was made in Unreal Engine 4 from scratch. Jaeger used Blender for modeling the assets then textured them using Substance Painter. The end result is great, and gives us a glimpse at what that amazing Batman game could look in Epic’s latest engine.

This hallway scene is based on the intro sequence from Batman: Arkham Asylum. There are obviously some changes to the map/level, however you will immediately notice some similarities. For example, the ending sequence is right before arriving at the elevator (and meeting Killer Croc).

Since Rocksteady is  currently working on a brand new game and Warner Bros is developing a new Batman game, I’m almost certain that we’ll never see a remake or remaster of the first Batman Arkham game. It’s a shame as the game could greatly benefit from the new features that Unreal Engine 4 supports. I mean, imagine this Batman game with ray tracing (and no, I’m not talking about Reshade Ray Tracing).

But anyway, alongside a flythrough video, Jaeger has also released some screenshots from his Batman Arkham Asylum Remake in Unreal Engine 4 that you can find below.


Batman Arkham Asylum in Unreal Engine 4: Intensive Treatment Transfer Loop

I’ve also included below the intro sequence from the original game (in case you forgot how it looked).

Batman Arkham Asylum intro [HD]