Fallout 4 – Game Engine Speed Is Tied To Framerate, Is Super Fast At Higher Framerates

We all know that it is a bad decision to tie a game’s engine speed (physics) with its framerate. We’ve criticized it in the past, and we’ve seen a number of games with performance issues when the framerate increases at ridiculous values. And it appears that Fallout 4 is the next victim of this trend.

As you can see in the following video, the game’s physics are tied to its framerate. At 144fps, the main character attacks faster and objects move/fall faster.

Truth be told, Fallout 4’s issues are not as awful as those we witnessed in other titles, but still. It’s ridiculous that a triple-A studio like Bethesda has resorted to such things.

For what is worth, we’ve not received yet a Review code for Fallout 4.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Fallout 4 - Game Engine Speed Tied to Framerate