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Pre-Alpha Gameplay Footage for Battlefield 2025

EA and DICE announced today an ambitious community testing program, called Battlefield Labs. And at the end of that video, EA and DICE gave us a brief look at the pre-alpha version of the next Battlefield game.

This pre-alpha gameplay footage is only 10 seconds, and it’s full of cuts. So, it will be a nothing-burger for most of you. Still, die-hard BF fans may find it interesting.

From what I can see, Battlefield 2025 will be similar to BF3. Or at least that’s the vibes I get from it. It will also have more destructible objects and better overall destruction. Which is kind of what you’d expect from a new BF game.

As EA and DICE stated, this new BF game is still in a pre-alpha stage. So, I’m not certain whether it will come out in 2025 or 2026. If I had to guess, I’d say it targets a Holiday 2025 release. Still, I can easily see it slipping into 2026.

Speaking of Battlefield Labs, its first phase of testing will go live in the coming weeks. If you are interested in it, you can go ahead and sign up at its official website. Initial tests will include an invited group of players and servers located in Europe and North America ahead of plans to expand invitees and server locations in the future.

Before closing, I suggest tempering your expectations. This is EA and DICE we’re talking about. Remember how many times they have stated that they are “listening to fans” and that “the next BF will be better“? Or that the next BF will be less buggy than the previous one? Yeah, we’ve heard all of these before. So, until DICE actually delivers, you should stay skeptical about it.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Introducing Battlefield Labs | Battlefield Studios