New Just Cause 4 trailer focuses on the new and improved Supply Drop function

Square Enix has released a brand new trailer for Just Cause 4 that focuses on its new and improved Supply Drop function. As its name suggests, Supply Drop allows players to select their vehicle, weapon or random items that they want and fly them in via the menu.

The game will feature 104 vehicles in total and this function will make it easier to get one of them so that you can explore its huge open-world environment.

While playing the game, players will unlock these vehicles and items, as well as new pilots. By having more pilots you basically increase the number of drops that you can have, and each one of the pilots has a Quick Drop fucntion.

Square Enix has not revealed yet whether the game will have micro-transactions so that players can unlock vehicles or items with real money.

Just Cause 4 releases on December 4th!

Just Cause 4 SPOTLIGHT: Supply Drop