Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Sephiroth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth vs Crisis Core Remastered Graphics Comparison

YouTube’s “NeoGamer” shared a cool video in which they compare Final Fantasy 7 Remake Rebirth and Crisis Core Remastered. It looks pretty interesting, so be sure to check it out.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is made for the latest gaming platforms. In contrast, Crisis Core started as a game for the PSP. But in 2022, Square Enix decided to remaster it for PC and old-gen consoles.

To be honest, I’m amazed at how well Crisis Core fares against this PS5/PC FF game. I was expecting Crisis Core to look way worse in this comparison. Yes, there is no doubt that FF7 Rebirth looks better. However, this comparison also shows the love Square Enix put into remastering Crisis Core.

The biggest difference between these two FF games is the lighting. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth features a more advanced lighting system. Moreover, it has bigger environments. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as Crisis Core was a PSP spin-off title. And while FF7 Rebirth has higher-quality 3D models, the ones used in Crisis Core Remastered still look quite good.

Before continuing, I should note that this video contains spoilers. So, if you haven’t played the original FF7 game, you should not watch it.

CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION used Unreal Engine 4 and didn’t need a super powerful computer. But, on PC, there were some moments where the game paused a bit to load shaders. Yeap, I’m talking about shader compilation stutters. After playing through it, I can say those pauses weren’t too bothersome.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be coming first on PS5. From what we know, its PS5 exclusivity will end on May 29th. And no, you should not expect it to hit PC in 2024. Since we’ll be getting Final Fantasy 16 this year, we can assume that the PC version of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be planned for a 2025 release. Or at least that’s the most likely scenario.

Enjoy the comparison and stay tuned for more!

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth vs. Crisis Core Reunion (Spoilers) | Side by Side