Tag Archives: Donkey Kong

Unreal Engine 4 – Ten fan tech demos available for download (Pokemon, Zelda, Donkey Kong 64 & more)

CryZENx has hit 100K subscribers on YouTube and decided to release ten Unreal Engine 4 fan tech demos. These demos include the latest version of his Zelda Ocarina Of Time project, the Kite demo Landscape with Luigi , Kirby, Son Goku and other characters, as well as Mario Kart, Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Stadium Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine being recreated in Unreal Engine 4. Continue reading Unreal Engine 4 – Ten fan tech demos available for download (Pokemon, Zelda, Donkey Kong 64 & more)

Here is what a new Donkey Kong game could look like in Unreal Engine 4

YouTube’s ‘CryZENx’ has released a new video, showing what a new Donkey Kong game could look like in Unreal Engine 4. For Donkey Kong’s fur, CryZENx used the Fur plugin from Neoglyphic Entertainment. As most of CryZENx’s recreations, this one looks really cool, so be sure to watch the video after the jump! Continue reading Here is what a new Donkey Kong game could look like in Unreal Engine 4

Stop Motion Donkey Kong Looks As Cool As The Game Itself

Donkey Kong
YouTube’s member ‘guizdp’ has created an amazing stop motion video – with the help of Simon, Marilyn, Marie-Eve and Stephanie – of the classic 2D version of Donkey Kong. And in all truthfulness, this stop motion animation looks just as good as the game itself. Witness some really impressive skills and get ready for a trip to nostalgia. Kudos to our reader ‘Insane Smith’ for informing us about it. Enjoy! Continue reading Stop Motion Donkey Kong Looks As Cool As The Game Itself