Tag Archives: BioWare

Mass Effect 3 fans rest assured, the game will be SP focused

After the massive MP rumors we’ve received today for Mass Effect 3, we got a bit nervous. Will BioWare literally destroy another great franchise? The answer is no. The game will be focused on what it does best. To provide an engaging and compelling SP experience. That is according to Casey Hudson, BioWare’s project director for Mass Effect 3. Continue reading Mass Effect 3 fans rest assured, the game will be SP focused

Mass Effect 3 – Live Action Trailer

EA and Bioware released today a live action trailer for Mass Effect 3. As you may have guessed, the invasion has begun. The Earth is under attack and there is only one man (or woman) that can save the day. Mass Effect 3 will be released on March 9th 2012 for PC, PS3 and X360. Enjoy the live action trailer after the jump. Continue reading Mass Effect 3 – Live Action Trailer