Max Payne 3 Trailer Coming Next Week – Wednesday September 14th

You’ve seen lots of screenshots, you’ve been informed about its release date and you are already aware of some crucial gameplay changes that Max Payne 3 will sport. What is left is to actually see it in action, therefore get ready everyone because Rockstar hast just announced that the first trailer of Max Payne 3 will be released next week.
We are really looking forward to it. Max Payne 3 will support a covering system so it will be interesting to see whether such a tactical feature will work out in a Max Payne game. There are also concerns that the combination of bullet time and this covering system will actually make the game easier – or that the enemies will get even more dumber than before.
We are certain that the trailer will be good and there will hopefully be some in-game scenes. Problem is that Rockstar will carefully choose the best of them, so hold your horses before jumping on the ‘Hooray bandwagon’. And then there is the multiplayer mode that will be supported.
All in all, we are a bit worried about this latest installment of Max. At the same time though, we can’t wait to get our hands on the sequel of one of the best third person action games ever!