Konami charges $10 for save slots in Metal Gear Survive, only one available

Metal Gear Survive has just been released and the game comes with a really awful gameplay design. As of right now, gamers can only have one save slot for one character. If players want to get another save slot, they’ll have to pay $10 for it.

Truth be told, even Metal Gear Online suffered from this issues, however, this is something we’ve been witnessing mostly in free-to-play games where the developers charge for additional characters. However, Metal Gear Survive is a full retail title, so this decision is as anti-consumer and greedy as it can get.

Furthermore, your family or friends on Steam will have to pay for an additional save slot in order to play this game. And no, there is no workaround for this as of yet.

Purchasing additional character save slots requires spending SV Coins, the game’s unique currency. As such, a save slot requires 1000 SV Coins. At the time of writing, there is no way you can earn SV points by simply playing the game. So yeah, this is the definition of pay-to-play. Oh, and there are more micro-transactions to this game than the additional character save slots.

Our PC Performance Analysis for Metal Gear Survive will go live tomorrow, so stay tuned for more!