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Here is Steam’s list of best-selling games for 2020

Valve and Steam have shared the list for the best-selling games that came out on Steam in 2020. This list is measured by gross revenue, and not by the number of copies that these games have sold.

In the platinum category, we have the best of the best. As we can see, Grand Theft Auto 5, Cyberpunk 2077, Among Us, PUBG and Monster Hunter World sold really well on Steam. Alongside them, we find Destiny 2, Doom Eternal, Fall Guys, Red Dead Redemption and Rainbow Six Siege.

steam 2020 platinum

In the Gold category, which is the next one, we find Borderlands 3, Sea of Thieves, Baldur’s Gate 3 and Halo: MCC. We also find Dead By Daylight, Warframe, The Elder Scrolls Online and Civilization 6.

steam 2020 gold

In the Silver category, we find Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, The Witcher 3 and Hades. We also find Black Desert Online, Team Fortress 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and more.

steam 2020 silver

Lastly, there is a Bronze category, which has the rest of the 100 top-selling Steam games.