Capcom is currently looking into fixing the connection error issues and improving mouse controls

Capcom is currently looking into addressing some of the issues that PC gamers currently experience in Monster Hunter World. According to the Japanese company, the development team is currently looking into fixing the connection error issues and improving the game’s mouse control mechanics.

Going into slightly more details, Capcom and Valve has investigated the cause of the connection error issues that PC gamers have been receiving with Valve, and is now working diligently on a patch to fix them. The team has also received numerous reports about the game’s mediocre mouse controls and it is working hard to improve them.

Truth be told, the mouse movement in Monster Hunter World was weird as the game was basically emulating the movement of a stick and it was not offering a raw 1-1 mouse look. Considering Monster Hunter World is powered by MT Framework, this disappointed us but at least Capcom is working on a fix.

In related news, modder ‘FluffyQuack’ has figured out a way to enable 21:9 widescreen support. Although this is still a WIP project, it’s something that a lot of 21:9 monitor owners will appreciate. Those interested can download the mod from here, however do note that the mouse controls will get almost completely broken, T-AA and Volume Rendering Quality become broken, and some skyboxes may suddenly look way worse and some overlay effects are misaligned.