Resident Evil 3

This Resident Evil 3 Mod lets you experience the game as Nemesis

Modder ‘Komizo’ has released an amazing mod for Resident Evil 3 that lets you experience the game as Nemesis. Thanks to this mod, players can now chase Jill and engage in combat with her as Nemesis.

What’s also cool is that Nemesis has some custom attack moves. Regardless of the weapon equipped, Nemesis can attack enemies using punches. Additionally, under certain conditions, he can use his tentacles for attacks.

This mod offers two game modes. The first is the Original Mode, where players can enjoy the original game’s story as Nemesis. The second is the Arrange Mode, where players control Nemesis to hunt down S.T.A.R.S. members and mercenaries. Depending on Nemesis’s actions, battles with the targets can become advantageous or disadvantageous. Players will also have the opportunity to encounter other survivors in Raccoon City.

You can download the mod from here. Below you can also find a full playthrough video for it.

Lastly, we should note that this mod is for the original 1999 version of Resident Evil 3. It’s NOT for the recent 2020 remake.

Have fun!

バイオハザード3(1999) ネメシス・シナリオ | 正式版プレイ動画 | Full Version Playthrough | Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Scenario