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Editorial: DSOGaming Launches Patreon Funding Campaign, Aiming To Completely Remove All Ads

It’s been a while since our last Editorial, right? Well here is a new one, dedicated to our new Patreon Funding campaign. The reason why we launched a Patreon campaign for DSOGaming is simple: we want to completely remove all of our ads. Yeap, you read that right. If things go well, DSOGaming will be an ads-free PC gaming website.

All we ask is your support in order to accomplish something like that. As we noted in our Patreon campaign:

Currently there are four monthly funding tiers:

Once we reach $400, we will completely remove our Interstitial Ad. This is something that annoyed a lot of our fans, and it’s something we want to get rid as soon as possible.

Then, if we reach $1000, we will remove two of our four ad networks. Among other things – like not having to contact ad networks for audio ads or redirects – this will make our website faster.

Once we reach $2000 we will remove all of our ad networks except of Google Adsense. 

Finally, once we reach $3000, we will remove all of our ads and DSOGaming will be ads-free.

Anything higher than that will be used to purchase new equipment so we can bring you more benchmarks and PC Hardware Reviews.

Like most of you, we’d love to have an ads-free website. And that’s our ultimate goal. However, we need your support in order to make this come to fruition.

DSOGaming WILL remain a gaming website focused on PC games. This won’t change. Do not expect us to cover console games.

Those interested can support us by visiting our Patreon page.