Overwatch feature

Overwatch is free to play on PC until January 4th

Activision and Blizzard announced that Overwatch is free to play on PC until January 4th. From today and until January 4th, 2021, PC gamers can visit its Battlenet page, download and start playing it.

This free trial will give you access to all 32 heroes and 28 maps. Additionally, you can keep all your progress once – and if – you decide to purchase it.

Overwatch is a team-based online multiplayer first-person shooter that assigns players into two teams of six. Each player selects one of the pre-defined characters, called heroes, each with unique movement, attributes, and abilities.

In Overwatch, players work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time.

You can download and start playing the game from Battlenet.

Have fun!