Russia 2055 looks absolutely incredible in these latest gameplay videos

InvictusVolition has released some new gameplay videos for its upcoming Unreal Engine 4-powered indie first-person shooter, Russia 2055. Russia 2055 looks absolutely incredible and the funny thing is that it is being created by a single person.

There have been some rumours suggesting that Hideo Kojima could be involved in this (Kojima simply shared a video for Russia 2055 but apparently that was enough to spark these rumours), however I’m pretty sure that this game has nothing to do with Kojima-san. Truth be told, Russia 2055 appears to be slightly influenced by the Metal Gear Solid games but there is nothing here suggesting that this is a Kojima game (especially since Kojima Productions is currently hard at work on Death Stranding).

But anyway, these new gameplay videos showcase some real-time cut-scenes, the single-player campaign that will be featured in it, the combat/helmet camera effects and some prone crawling animations.

We strongly suggest watching the videos as they look incredible. Now my biggest fear here is that this indie game could just be a demo featuring one big level and nothing more. So far, we’ve seen the same environment and enemies, so I’d be really disappointed if all we got was just a level with various enemies. I understand that a “real” game could take years to complete, however Russia 2055 appears to have a lot of potential to become a sleeper hit.
