Dishonored 2 looks pretty great in 4K

As we’ve already said, Dishonored 2 is currently plagued by PC performance issues. Arkane Studios claimed that a performance patch will be released next week, so we strongly suggest waiting until this update is at least out. And since our PC Performance Analysis has been delayed – like all games that suffer from such issues – we decided to share some 4K screenshots from it.

Dishonored 2 looks actually pretty great in 4K. While the game still suffers from aliasing issues (we’ve disabled AA as both FXAA and  TXAA brought a lot of blurinees), it looks way better than what we’ve anticipated.

Moreover, it’s pretty clear – in 4K – the game’s unique style. Arkane Studios went for a watercolor look in order to make the game’s structures/objects feel more like they are from paintings. And, in a way, it’s a really cool approach.

What’s also interesting here is that our GTX980Ti was able to push an almost constant 30fps experience in 4K. For unknown reasons, the open-world area suffered from severe frame drops to our GPU being underused. We don’t know what was causing this odd behaviour, however it is possible – with the upcoming performance patch – to get a 4K/30fps experience in a single GTX980Ti.

Moreover, this further proves how f’ed up this game – performance wise – actually is. In theory, the game should be running with more than 100fps in 1080p. After all, 1080p is 1/4 of 4K. As such, theoretically, we should be getting 120fps (30×4=120). That’s not the case here however as the game was mostly running with 60-80fps.

But anyway, we’ll talk more about the game’s performance in our PC Performance Analysis article.

Those interested can download the uncompressed 4K images from here.
