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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 November 17th Update Released & Detailed

Sledgehammer Games has released the November 17th Update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This new patch brings tweaks, fixes and changes to the game’s Multiplayer and Zombies modes. So, let’s dive in and see all these fixes and improvements.

The November 17th update fixes an exploit where players could use aftermarket parts without meeting the requirements. It also solves an issue where players could choose game modes not meant for private matches. Plus, there are some tweaks and changes to the player movement.

This update naturally brings a bunch of tweaks to Killstreaks and a couple of maps. It also includes fixes to make sure players’ progress in the game works smoothly.

In this latest update for Zombies Mode, two exploits have been dealt with. The first one let players duplicate their weapons, and the second one allowed them to do the same with scorestreaks. Both of these exploits are now a no-go. The update also takes care of a timing issue during exfil. Before, players could accidentally tumble off the helicopter at the edge of the map when leaving from the Sub Pen. Not anymore.

It’s also worth noting that this patch reduces the number of Zombies that spawn at exfil locations. According to the devs, this should improve the game’s stability. Oh, and there are even more stability and map fixes. Plus, it takes care of a problem where the Mega Abomination might not ignore players in the High Difficulty zone.

Like always, Battlenet and Steam will download this latest update the next time you launch their clients. Below you can also find its full patch notes.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 November 17th Update Release Notes