Top-down Racer ‘Real World Racing’ Gets An Open Beta Demo

Real World Racing
Ah, the retro feel. Playstos Entertainment announced that the Open Beta Demo for Real World Racing, is now available for download at the RWR official website. This demo features Online Multiplayer up to 16 players, 3 Tracks from the final game, set in Rome, Berlin and London, 6 Cars from the middle point class in the final game, Single Player Arcade Mode, a Time Trial Mode, and a Garage for car browsing and customization.
Real World Racing is built on an innovative engine, that blends enhanced high resolution aerial photographic images with 3D cars and physics based objects. It looks remarkably amazing and reminded us some classic, top-down racers from Neo-Geo.
We’ve also included below an early trailer for it. If you are an old-school racer, you should definitely give this demo a go!