NASCENCE – ANNA’S SONGS is a new adventure game for next-gen systems, first screenshots

Dreampainters has announced a new first-person, story-driven puzzle adventure game for the PC and next gen systems. This new title is called NASCENCE – ANNA’S SONGS, and below you can find its first screenshots.

NASCENCE – ANNA’S SONGS tell the story of Thomas. Thomas is an ex pro photographer from London who goes to Reluné to carry out a secret mission. Thomas will have to eradicate the centuries-old cult of a goddess that has ruled the land since ancient times.

According to the developers, NASCENCE – ANNA’S SONGS will feature photogrammetry and advanced lighting effects. The game will also support AMD CAS (Contrast Adaptive Sharpening); an image processing technique that enhances the sharpness of antialiased graphics. Furthermore, the team promises next gen features on relevant hardware.

The game will be using Unreal Engine 4, and targets a late 2020 release.

Below you can find the game’s first screenshots. To be honest, though, I don’t see anything particularly impressive in these screenshots. These are obviously early screenshots, however, there is nothing “next-gen-ish” here.
