Gearbox and SEGA respond to Aliens: Colonial Marines’ lawsuit

Aliens Colonial Marines
Two days ago, we informed you about the lawsuit that was filled against SEGA and Gearbox about Aliens: Colonial Marines. As you already know, that lawsuit claimed that Aliens: Colonial Marines used false advertisement in order to trick people into pre-ordering or buying it. And as you may have expected, SEGA and Gearbox responded to this lawsuit.
As Kotaku reports, SEGA told them that the lawsuit is without merit:
“SEGA cannot comment on specifics of ongoing litigation, but we are confident that the lawsuit is without merit and we will defend it vigorously.”
Gearbox had this to say:
“Attempting to wring a class action lawsuit out of a demonstration is beyond meritless. We continue to support the game, and will defend the rights of entertainers to share their works-in-progress without fear of frivolous litigation.”
As we also said, we find this lawsuit ridiculous. We strongly believe that people should try the titles before getting them. Truth be told, it gets even more difficult today to try new titles as most of them do not receive a demo. And since that option isn’t viable anymore, PC gamers should do more research.
As always, all demos are a WIP and do not represent the final product. We’ve witnessed such things in the past. Hell, take a look at Halo, a game that was showcased as a third-person shooter. It’s a pain in the ass to find out – without trying it yourselves – whether a game is good or not. On the other hand, a bad game for us may be a great game for the X customer.
Regarding Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox actually delivered a product similar to its E3 tech demo. The PC version received a huge patch (and since the E3 demo was from the PC build, we are only focusing on this version) that added better lighting, slightly better textures, as well as things from the E3 version that were missing (like the ‘shattered glass’). Not only that, but aliens became more aggressive and behaved – overall – better than those from the E3 demo.
Let’s see now how things unfold.