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Capcom will release two major games by March 31st 2019

Capcom has announced that it will release two major games in its 2019 fiscal year. This basically means that the Japanese company aims to release these two titles by March 31st, 2019. Unfortunately, though, the company did not reveal any additional details about them.

What we do know is that Monster Hunter World is coming to the PC later this year. Whether this is one of the two major games remains a mystery (though we doubt it as the game has already been released on consoles).

A few days ago, we also informed you about a new action adventure game that Capcom plans to showcase at E3 2018. Our guess is that one of these two games is this action adventure game. This could either be a new Devil May Cry or a new Dead Rising (which seems more likely). Moreover, we do know that Capcom is still working on Resident Evil 2 Remake, though the Japanese team has not revealed anything yet about it.

Here is hoping that Capcom will reveal more at E3 2018!