Modder ‘trancemaster_1988’ just dropped Version 6.6 of the Rebirth Mod for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. According to the modder, this latest version fixes some bugs and adds some QoL improvements. So, let’s take a closer look at what it brings to the table.
For those who don’t know, Morrowind Rebirth is a complete overhaul of Bethesda’s classic RPG. This mod adds countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Basically, this is a must-have mod for those who want to replay this classic TES game.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Rebirth 6.6 fixes issues where there were several geometry issues. It also addresses some collision issues. Not only that but it fixes some names, titles and ownership issues, and it brings various landscape fixes and improvements.
This new version also brings some balance tweaks to the game’s spells. Moreover, it adds some new 3D models for weapons and items. For instance, you’ll find a new model for Severia’s Imperial Shortsword, Bow of Shadows and Ring of Equity.
Speaking of Morrowind, you may be also interested in these other mods for it. TES3MP 0.8.1 is a mod that adds support for multiplayer and VR. Then we have Tamriel Rebuilt which adds two new expansions and 200 quests. In November 2023, we also shared the first version of a World of Warcraft Mod. Oh, and there is also a 32GB 4K Texture Pack for it.
As always, you can download Morrowind Rebirth Version 6.6 from this link. Below you can also find its complete changelog. Do note that this is a big changelog. So, take a deep breath and browse its list of fixes, tweaks and changes.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Rebirth 6.6 Release Notes
Morrowind Fixes
* Fixed issues where the following notes used the wrong icon: Gnisis Eggmine Pass, Galtis Guvron’s Note, Hasphat’s Notes for Cosades, Letter to Senilias Cadiusus, Notes from Huleeya, Hospitality Papers, Ghost-Free Papers, Decoded Package, The Seven Visions, The Stranger, Public Notice, Map of Red Mountain, Note from Oritius Maro, A Dying Man’s Last Words, Letter (Alen), Custom Armor Price List, Custom Fur Armor Price List and Note from Carnius.
* Fixed issues where the books ‘Mystery of Talara, Part III’, ‘Cherim’s Heart of Anequina’, ‘The Firsthold Revolt’, ‘The Locked Room’, ‘The Wraith’s Wedding Dowry’, ‘A Fair Warning’, ‘Blasphemous Revenants’, ‘Progress of Truth’ and ‘The Third Door’ used the wrong icons.
* Fixed an issue where entering Ranosa Gilvayn’s shop in Suran would place the player in an odd position, facing away from the merchant.
* Fixed an issue where one of the exterior doors at Nerano Manor, Balmora, was locked. This was wierd considering the fact that you could access the exact same area through the front door, which is unlocked.
* Fixed issues where Jeanciele Macile, Toranu Rothalnim, Ticemius Conciatius, Odmi and Iminda used vampire voice lines.
* Fixed issues where some first-person body parts were incorrectly set to use the opposite sex models, and in some cases set to use parts of other races (nord instead of imperial for example).
* Fixed an issue where there was a water creature spawn point on land in the northern Ashlands. Note: I’ve fixed similar issues in the past, but I believe this is the last one.
* Fixed issues where you could get services from NPCs inside Vivec, Arena Hidden Area, desipite not being a member of the Morag Tong. This also covers one NPC added by Rebirth.
* Fixed issues where the Imperfect, Ascended Sleeper and Centurion Archer had missing sounds resulting in them at using werewolf screams, roars and moans.
* Fixed an issue where there was a static hammock inside the Factor’s Estate in Raven Rock, which meant you couldn’t sleep in it like all other hammocks.
* Fixed an issue where ownership of the rentable bed inside the Bar in Raven Rock didn’t change when payed for, thus making it a crime to sleep in it.
* Fixed an issue where some items at Saryn Sarothril’s desk, Maar Gan Outpost, were scaled incorrectly (1.0 is normal, these were 1.4 or more).
* Fixed an issue where a chest in Bensamsi had a trap effect which can’t be used by the game, causing either a crash or a warning message.
* Fixed an issue where common_shirt_02_h used the wrong icon.
* Fixed issues where Aleri Aren, Milvela Dralen, Alusannah and Ervis Verano had no weapons.
* Fixed issues where the player wasn’t allowed to sleep in some dungeons.Morrowind Rebirth [Main]Morrowind Rebirth Fixes
* Fixed issues where there were several geometry issues near the bridge inside Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility. Additionally a rather large gap was fixed inside Dagoth Ur, Lower Facility, as well.
* Fixed an issue where a set of glass doors, commonly found in shops, wouldn’t open properly when activated. Instead of opening individually they would rotate on their axis.
* Fixed an issue where parts of the wall in Halfred’s House, Dagon Fel, had bad collision. I’ve fixed this interior in the past, but additional work was required.
* Fixed an issue where NPCs inside Balmoras Coucil Club wouldn’t react if another member was attacked, making the connecting quest way too easy to complete.
* Fixed issues where a few NPCs had duplicate items such as two identical keys, weapons etc. This covers mainly Rebirth NPCs, but also some vanilla NPCs.
* Fixed an issue where the banner to Ibarnadad Assirnarari’s alchemy shop was named ‘Assirnarari: Apothecary’ instead of ‘Ibarnadad: Apothecary’.
* Fixed an issue where 6th house graffiti on the door to Ainab made it difficult to activate. Moved the graffiti to the corner of the door.
* Fixed an issue where there were two identical chests holding an Ebony Cuirass and Daedric Greaves in Dren’s Villa, Dren Plantation.
* Fixed an issue where Dabienne Mornardl, Wolverine Hall, had very few items for sale due to her closet being owned by someone else.
* Fixed an issue where the Raven Rock smith had a copy of Saint’s Shield, which was supposed to be a unique shield (in Rebirth).
* Fixed an issue in Bthungthumz, near the mine-rails, where that the player could walk outside the playable area and get stuck.
* Fixed a potential problem where a piece of the bridge near Arkngthumch-Sturdumz was missing for some players.
* Fixed an issue where the Imperial Templar Skirt and the Imperial Templar Belt used the wrong icons.
* Fixed issues where some some of the tower interiors at Fort Buckmoth had missing wall sections.
* Fixed an issue where the name of Cassius Shack, Seyda Neen, was missing an apostrophe.
* Fixed issues where Rebirth Vampires (11 in total) didn’t use vampire attack sounds.
* Fixed an issue where the ‘Note to Menus’ was clipping into a ‘Chest of Drawers’.
* Fixed issues where some items, npcs etc had extra spaces in their ID or name.
* Fixed an issue where S’ssa was missing a script for slaves.
* Fixed issues where the durability of some handplaced (owned) weapons/armor were either:
B) Over max durability due due to the fact that hand placed weapons/armor stats are not updated when a statistical change is made in a mod.
A) Not at max durability due to the fact that hand placed weapons/armor stats are not updated when a statistical change is made in a mod.
* Fixed an issue where there were three barrels (instead of one) containing the Blood of the Quarra Masters inside Druscgashti, Lower Level.
* Fixed an issue where there were two desks (instead of one) containing Kagrenac’s Planbook inside Tureynulal, Kagrenac’s Library.
* Fixed an issue where the Sanguine Shoes of Stalking used wrong model when worn.
* Fixed an issue where the Sanguine Shoes of Leaping used wrong model when worn.
* Fixed an issue where entering Zalit’s Yurt, Salit Camp, placed you outside the interior space.
* Fixed an issue where Key to Ra’Zhid’s Chest wasn’t assigned to unlock his chest.
* Fixed an issue where the Skull of St. Valas was misspelled as Skull of St. Velas.
* Fixed an issue where the Cap of Invisibility was misspelled as Cap of Invisbility.
* Fixed an issue where Vengeance was misspelled as Vengence.
* Fixed an issue where the Ring of St. Delyn was misspelled as Ring of St. Deyln.
* Fixed issues where 3 ruined stronghold buildings had bad collision.
* Fixed an issue where one of the guarcarts had bad collision.
* Fixed an issue where there were drowned corpses in Valas Ancestral Tomb, despite the fact there’s no water in the cell.
* Fixed an issue where the ‘Dead Imperial’ (dead imp male_02) wasn’t actually dead.
* Fixed an issue where the “Scroll of Leeching” used an incorrect icon (destruction instead of mystisicm).
* Fixed an issue where Tedril Fevula, Tel Voroyn was lacking a barter option.
* Fixed an issue where Dralas Sadavel had an underscore in his name.
* Fixed issues where some items Audenian Valius has on display have 0 health, meaning they were free when bartering.
* Fixed issues where items Termanin has on display have 0 health, meaning they were free when bartering.
* Fixed an issue where the trapdoor inside The Prancing Kwama, Vivec Entrance, lead to nowhere.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in Ondaves Favalara’s House, Vivec Entrance.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap above Masseranit entrance door
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in Odrosal at the lava pool next to Dagoth Odros.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in one of the larger halls in Bthusal.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in Alen Ancestral Tomb.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in Andavel Ancestral Tomb.
* Fixed an issue where there was a gap in Drethan Ancestral Tomb.
* Fixed an issue where Key to Raksada’s Chest didn’t actually unlock anything. Also the chest it was meant to open wasn’t set as locked.
* Fixed an issue where Nelmon, husband of Nalcarya of White Haven wasn’t mentioned during the quest ‘Help Habasi find the security master in town’.
* Fixed issues where many locked doors lacked ownership flags.
* Fixed an issue where all ‘Infernal’ weapons lacked enchantments.
* Fixed an issue where the Centurion Guardian animation didn’t stop upon death. Additionally it was set as a ‘walking’ instead of ‘flying’ creature.
* Fixed an issue where Piercing Spear and Shattering Spear incorrectly had the ‘AbebaalAttack’ script attached to them.
* Fixed an issue where Irwaen, Vivec Entrance, bought almost anything, despite her being a Tavern Keeper.
* Fixed an issue where it was impossible to unlock the cabin to the ship Frost-Ghost, Vivec Entrance, due to a script being attached to the door.
* Fixed an issue where the Mages Guild signs in Balmora and Wolverine Hall had ‘outsidebanner’ scipts, despite them having no moving parts.
* Fixed an issue where the Fighters Guild signs in Balmora and Wolverine Hall had ‘outsidebanner’ scipts, despite them having no moving parts.
* Fixed an issue where the East Empire Company sign had ‘outsidebanner’ script instead of ‘signrotate’ script.
* Fixed an issue where the Imperial Netch Blade had lower durability compared to other Imperial Shortswords, , which it shares model with.
* Fixed an issue where the weapon ‘Deadcaller’ had substantially higher durability compared to the Steel Warhammer, which it shares model with.
* Fixed an issue where one of the effects in the enchantment for the ‘Scroll of Decay’ was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where one of the effects in the enchantment for ‘Reaper’ was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where the enchantment for ‘Impaler’ was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where the enchantment for ‘Silencer’ was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where the enchantment for ‘Stormcaller’ was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where Santuary potions had the Chameleon-effect assigned to them instead of Sanctuary.
* Fixed issues where two out of three Royal Shields had frontal textures that were rotated 90 degrees in the wrong direction.
* Fixed issues where Rebirth NPCs providing enchanting services had wildly different trading options, meaning some would reject magical items of a certain type while
others wouldn’t. Now all will accept magical items of any type (just like in vanilla).
* Fixed an issue where Renell’s shop, Hla Oad, didn’t close at night.
* Fixed an issue where Llandris Thirandus, Vivec High Fane, didn’t sell any enchanted weapons or armor due to his chest being owned by someone else.
* Fixed issues where the following notes used the wrong icon: Home for Sale, Fjotli’s Note, Note from Marelle, Note from Balamus Indaren, Note from Ajiranji, This Week’s Assignments, Zandaz’s Note, Note from Riladasi Falanim, Skull of Saint Valas and Note from Cagula Marcius.
* Dozens upon dozens of minor fixes not really worth mentioning.
* Landscape fixes and improvements.
* Fixed missing ownership flags.
* Fixed typos.Morrowind Rebirth Changes
* Replaced the 6th house altar with one from MOP (vanilla one with optimizations). Additionally the large 6th house statue model was also replaced by one from MOP (the new one was sort of broken).
* Further reduced the health of Practice Dummies and Practice Targets from 400 to 200. This should prevent easy levling, while still having some use.
* The ‘Guide to Vvardenfell’ will now say that the Grazelands Region has ‘few roads’ instead of ‘no roads’ to par it with changes made to dialogue.
* Made some additional changes to the Hall of Wisdom to accomodate for the height of the new layout of Library of Vivec.
* Added proper locational greetings to Ald Maaryon, Tel Voroyn and Kahnud Temple along with topics for each location.
* Replaced the generic case on use enchantment for the ‘Daunting Mace’ with a new on-strike enchantment.
* Ever wondered who’s keeping all the lanterns lit? Well, now there’s someone doing it.
* Added sheathes for the Ebony Blade, Anguish and for Scourge of the Living.
* Wearing the Dragonbone Cuirass now grants an additional spell called ‘Dragon’s Breath’.
* Sethan’s Tradehouse in Tel Branora will no longer lock at night.
* Dummies placed in interiors now have a small foundation.
* Added a new space to Ebonheart Council Chamber, where the levers for the drawbridge can be found.
* Added rich Dunmer bar variation to various places.
* Added sulphur pools to the Molag Amur Region.
* Added mannequins to some clothiers.
* Added some unique elements (don’t expect miracles) to a few tombs including:
– Hlevru Ancestral Tomb
– Nerano Ancestral Tomb
– Rethandus Ancestral Tomb
– Sandas Ancestral Tomb
– Saren Ancestral Tomb
– Thelas Ancestral Tomb
– Vandus Ancestral Tomb
– Indaren Ancestral Tomb
+ minor tweaks to several others
* Reworked/Retouched a few interiors including:
– Vivec, Telvanni Monster Labs
– Vivec, Arena, Waistworks (more changes planned)
– Vivec, Arena, Pit (more changes planned)
– Vivec, Dralor Manor
– Balmora, Western Guard Tower North
– Balmora, Western Guard Tower South
– Balmora, Milie Hastien’s House
– Sjorvar Horse-Mouth’s House
– Tel Voryon
– The Rift
* Reworked Balmora’s manor district to be a bit more imposing. Also made some changes near the temple.Morrowind Rebirth Additions
New Weapons
* Daedric Throwing Knife
* Ebony Throwing KnifeNew Artifacts/Uniques
* Ward of the Erabenimsun (Amulet)Balance
Spells [Base Cost]
* Summon Golden Saint base cost from 28 to 30.
* Summon Winged Twilight base cost from 26 to 28.
* Summon Storm Atronach base cost from 22 to 24.
* Summon Dremora base cost from 20 to 22.
* Summon Hunger base cost from 18 to 20.
* Damage Attribute base cost from 18 to 28.
* Bound Battle Axe base cost from 17 to 19.
* Bound Longsword base cost from 15 to 17.
* Bound Mace base cost from 13 to 15
* Bound Longbow base cost from 12 to 14.
* Bound Spear base cost from 12 to 14.
* Bound Cuirass base cost from 17 to 19.
* Bound Gauntlets base cost from 11 to 10.Graphics
* New model and icon for Severia’s Imperial Shortsword.
* New model and icon for Bow of Shadows.
* New model and icon for Phaseshifter.
* New model and icon for Truestrike.
* New model and icon for Coldheart.
* New model and icon for Duality.
* New model and icon for Fathasas’ Ring.
* New model and icon for Septim’s Ring.
* New model and icon for Ring of Equity.
* New model and icon for Ring of Raven Eye.
* New model and icon for Amulet of Holding.
* New model and icon for Merchant’s Amulet.
* New model and icon for Amulet of Verbosity.
* New model for the Corkbulb Dart.
* New model for the Rich Lecturn.
* New model for Common Chairs.Misc
Morrowind Rebirth – Game Settings [Addon]
* The following change from v 6.3 has been tweaked: “NPCs being attacked without provocation will call for aid when attacked, but the radius from which other npcs will be alerted has been reduced by 50 %. Consider this being somewhat experimental, so let me know what you think.”, from 50 % to 12,5 %.Morrowind Patch Project 1.6.6 [For Rebirth]
* The background for regular ‘miners’ will now say ‘I’m just a miner’ instead of ‘I’m just an egg-miner’. This was already done in the Morrowind Rebirth [Main] esp to prevent miners placed outside mines other than egg-mines saying things that were incorrect.Morrowind Rebirth [Main] Alternative Plugin
* The alternative plugin now also reverts the amount of money carried by Creeper and the Mudcrab Merchant to vanilla values.

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the “The Evolution of PC graphics cards.”
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