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Quake Xmas Jam 2018 adds 21 new maps to id Software’s classic shooter, available for download

Christmas is almost upon us and a team of mappers has released a new pack that adds 21 new maps to id Software’s classic shooter, Quake. From the looks of it, this pack does not add any new weapons or monsters; it features everything that was present in the original Quake.

dumptruck_ds recommends using the Quakespasm or Mark V engines in order to play this pack (obviously you’ll also need the original Quake wad). Those interested in the classic, pixelated visuals can use the console command “gl_texturemode 3”.

Needless to say that this is a great Christmas gift to all Quake fans out there. And while it’s not created by John Romero to attract more headlines, I believe the creators of this pack did an excellent work.

Those interested can download the pack from here and below you can find an installation guide.

Have fun!

  • Create a new folder called “xmasjam2018” in your Quake folder
  • Copy the Zip file into the new folder
  • Extract the contents of the zip file
  • Create a shortcut to your preferred Quake engine
  • Add the following to the command line
    “-game xmasjam2018”
  • Run the shortcut (click icon) and make sure the engine loads
  • Use the Quake menu’s to start singleplayer and pick a new game
  • After the start map has loaded pick your skill level and choose a map
  • The start map keeps track of your progress if you use the savegame system
Quake Xmas Jam 2018