Greedfall 2 The Dying World

Here’s the first gameplay trailer for Greedfall 2: The Dying World

NACON has released the first gameplay trailer for Spiders’ upcoming action RPG, Greedfall 2: The Dying World. Greedfall 2 will hit Steam Early Access this Summer, and this trailer will give you a glimpse at some of its gameplay mechanics.

From what I see, Greedfall 2 appears to be in a rough state. Or at least that’s the impression I got from this trailer. So, no wonder NACON and Spiders will release it first in Early Access.

In Greedfall 2, players will assume the role of a native of Teer Fradee. Players will travel across new landscapes, from Olima – the city of stars of the Bridge Alliance – to the shores of Uxantis, and uncover the secrets of these ancient lands. Moreover, they will meet all the factions that share control over these nations and navigate the treacherous waters of their schemes and conspiracies.

Players will be able to create their own character and find allies to join their team. You can help them with their quests, uncover their secrets and make them your friends or rivals. As well as equipping them the way you want, you can also take control of them in combat.

The game also promises to offer a deeper RPG experience. The devs claim that every choice will have an impact on your adventure. Diplomacy, manipulation, infiltration and combat will also be viable paths to achieve your aims.

Now while Greedfall 2 sounds good on paper, I wasn’t that impressed by its gameplay trailer. So, let’s hope that Spiders will further polish it. The first GreedFall has Mostly Positive Reviews on Steam. So, this sequel could really be a hit provided the devs somehow up their game.

Stay tuned for more!

GreedFall 2: The Dying World - Official Doneigada Trailer