Call of Duty Black Ops 6

Activision has officially announced Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Activision has officially announced that the next COD game will be called Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. And… well… that’s it. The publisher has not shared any new details, screenshots or trailers for it yet. So, this year’s Call of Duty is Call of Duty Black Ops 6. Cool I guess?

Earlier this week, Activision also launched a teaser website for COD: Black Ops 6 with this teaser trailer. This is a live-action trailer, so don’t expect much from it.

What’s interesting though is the fact that it uses a bodycam viewpoint, and it has the same pixelated effects on people’s faces. So, in a way, it reminded me of Unrecord.

It will be really funny if the actual game does use this bodycam viewpoint. If it does, it will easily steal Unrecord’s thunder. I know I’m speculating here but this teaser trailer does hint at something like that.

According to rumors, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be released this October. This falls in line with most COD releases.

My guess is that Activision and Microsoft will reveal this new COD game next month, on the Xbox Showcase Event. Afterward, Activision will hold a Black Ops 6 Direct which will give us our first in-depth look at all-new gameplay and product announcements.

Stay tuned for more!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Official ‘The Truth Lies’ Teaser Trailer