DSOGaming & Ubisoft Giveaway – Win 1 Digital Key For Might & Magic Heroes VII [UPDATE: WINNER]

Might & Magic Heroes VII has just been released and Ubisoft has provided us with a digital key for a giveaway. One lucky of you will be able to get this new turn-based strategy game for free, so hooray.

As usual, the winner will be picked randomly via Random.org. Posts will be counted from the oldest to the newest comment (according to the Discussion ‘Newest’ option).

The contest will run until Sunday 22:00GMT.

Similarly to our previous giveaway contest, you can take part in this giveaway via two methods. The first method is by leaving a ‘Thank You’ comment below. The second is by re-tweeting our giveaway. For your convenience, we’ve embedded our tweet below, so it can be easier to re-tweet it.

We strongly suggest using both methods as they will increase your chances of winning.

Disqus comments will be counted first and re-tweets will be added after them (from oldest to newest).

Do note that duplicate comments will be deleted.

Enjoy and best of luck to everyone!


We had 352 comments and 31 re-tweets. The winner of our giveaway contest is number 208, “Loris” who will be informed via email about the digital key.

DSOGaming - Might and Magic Heroes 7 Giveaway